Tuesday, February 11, 2020

17 Ways To Know About Your Future

Ways To Know About Your Future
There are innumerable ways to know your future life in this world.

Your future still remains in your hands. These are all ways to provide you a brief sketch of your future world- what all you would be good at, what all you can become, what you can make of yourself. Your future is not a strict, straight line, but rather, your future is a gassy mass with few dots here and there to connect. The connector would be you, yourself left alone amidst those dots.

What makes the difference is how well you know these dotted points and how well you can connect them. Never believe a person who tells you that he or she can give you a sure shot straightway about your future that takes you to the end of your life.

How can you Predict your Future

Let’s explore the below ways, how they work, and how they can help you predict your future?

1.    Cartomancy, 
2.    The Oracle, 
3.    The I Ching, 
4.    Runes, 
5.    Dice Fortune Telling, 
6.    Dominoes, 
7.    Tasseomancy, 
8.    Western Astrology, 
9.    Chinese Astrology, 
10.  Tarot, 
11.  Numerology, 
12.  Palmistry, 
13.  Divining, 
14.  Vedic Astrology, 
15.  Alchemy, 
16.  Gypsy readings and 
17.  Various forms of Mancy
1.    Cartomancy: It is a simple way to know your future life using just a simple pack of cards. You can draw 3, 9 or 21 cards and they are the past, present, and your future. The appearance of different cards in different positions is used to tell what was your past, what is your present like, and what can be your future.

2.    The Oracle: The Oracle uses a set of cards, all with different meanings and images for your future. You can use any form or number of cards. It’s mainly one card draw or a three-card draw. A principal message is portrayed, or a set of past, present and future is described.

3.    The I-Ching: I-Ching divination style is called cleromancy used to predict your future. Six numbers are chosen to form a hexagram, and the hexagram is then matched with the King Wen sequence with interpretations from the Book of Changes. This technique is often referred to as Wu Xing, Tao Te, Yin and Yang energies across the field of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.

4.    Runes: Runes are runic alphabets or inscriptions in use since ancient times. Rig or Heimdall had three sons from human women called Thrall (slave), Churl (freeman) and Jarl (noble). This formed the foundation of three clans of humans and when Jarl was qualified, Heimdall trained him in the study of Runes. An ancient technique in which a letter is inscribed on a stone and that letter when found foretells your future.

5.    Dice Fortune Telling: It is a form of astragalomancy, a way to know your future life. Dice fortune telling is equivalent to the use of knucklebones by the shamans for divination purposes. In this process, a circle is drawn, and three dice are rolled within the circle. For Dice one, 1 is web, 2 is a skull, 3 is a boat, 4 is horse shoe, 5 is beetle and 6 is a bat.

6.    Dominoes: Dominoes’ fortune-telling technique is a very simple form of divination to predict your future. In this technique, you can pull up to 3 cards, and each of the plate numbers and the numbers on the front predict one or the other event. If you pull the same card twice in the same sitting, your find would be considered optimized, and you have moved forward in time with it.

7.    Tasseomancy: The art of reading messages in tea leaves, coffee grinds and wine sedimentations are a way to know your future life. In this form of divination practice, synchronistic practices are mostly used to derive a picture.

8.    Western Astrology: This stream of divination practices is more modern and predominantly originated in the Western part of the world to predict your future. It is predominantly based on horoscopes and is based on equatorial zodiac signs. It is regulated to the equator points.

9.    Chinese Astrology: The Chinese astrology is based on Jupiter’s circle of 12 years, and each year is assigned an animal. Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat/Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig. This is also an ancient system used for a long time.

10.  Tarot: Tarot is a form of divination practice that uses a basic Major Arcana and Minor Arcana card system to divide your future into two halves- significant events of life and minor events of life.

11.  Numerology: Numerology is a pattern of divination using numbers. Each number from 1-9 is assigned a particular planet, a specific characteristic built. We have to add up the numbers in our names or birth dates, adding them all together until they come down to a single numerical from 1-9. This form does prediction by date of birth.

Numerology Number: Know The Lucky Numbers For Your Home

12.  Palmistry: This branch of divination practice is the reading of hands for noting down your future. The lines in the palms are used as sources. Each finger is assigned a planet and number. For example, if there are many X-lines in your palms, that person’s chance to become notable increases that much.

13.  Divining: This form of divination is a process inspired by one or more Gods, it is believed, and it is mainly used to gain insight through various rituals and practices.

14.  Vedic Astrology: The Bhrigu rishi clan first developed this form of astrology and it encircles a lot of calculative designs to reach a chosen conclusion. It is a beautiful way to know your future life. Vedic Astrology is based on a lot of parallel probabilities and does not believe in having any one single point of conclusion or fate.

15.  Alchemy: This form of divinatory practice involves the use of various chemicals and the colour, odour and the factors in question to form a vision about your future. In this process, different chemicals are put into use. The various potions and the elixir of life are a gift to humanity from this branch of science.

16.  Gypsy readings: This form of divination is put forward by the Gypsies. They use the light crystal ball, cartomancy, and the ashes of various woods and leaves often to predict your future. They combine all into one and expand the view of this practice.

17.  Various forms of Mancy: There are multiple forms of Mancy or divination practiced by many to predict the future. Out of many, some include dowsing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, metoscopy, stichomancy and many more. The list is exhaustive, numerology makes a prediction by date of birth, runes are various forms of mancy, but they are such elaborative practices that they are often used separately.

How To Read Tarot Cards Yourself To Predict Future?

To conclude, every form of living and non-living elements available in Nature has been used to create a sort of divinatory practices here on Earth. There are various ways to know your future life; you can use many ways or a single way to reach your destination.

“All paths lead to the same home.” Paths are many, but the purpose remains the same for all of us. These are ways by which you have to cover your path of self-knowledge and find your future in it all together.
 Download Tarot Life For Android

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Everything About Various Numerology Reading Methods | Tarot Life

Definition of Numerology

A Guide To Numerology Reading Methods 
It is the field of study that analyses numbers that are important in your life! Numerology reading guide allows you to get information and deep insights about the important numbers, and hence, you can take effective decisions. 

Numerology is similar to Astrology but different in the way it employs methods to extract the insights and information. There are various types of numerology reading which have developed over the years because of their different origins and cultural influence. 

Numerology emphasizes the various numbers and their influence on our lives. You can read numerology numbers to get a better perspective of the world and yourself. In the historical era, numerology was developed based on mathematics. Numerology dates back to around 10,000 years, and the Greek mathematician Pythagoras first coined the importance of numbers.

How To Read Tarot Cards Yourself To Predict Future?

Usage of Numerology

Numerology reading methods help determine various energies that prevail in our lives. There are multiple numbers like destiny number, life path number, personality number that enlightens us about the various aspects of our lives. You can know about the numerology numbers of your partner to get an idea about your love relationship. Both of you can understand each other very well based on your respective numbers.

Through numerology reading guide, you can understand the numbers and decode their meanings which also helps you take effective business-related decisions You can start a new project, invest in a new venture, and start a new partnership, etc. as per the information. Some days are better than the other, similarly months & years and the trick is to identify the energy and act accordingly.

How a Tarot Card Reading Can Change Your Life?

Different Types Of Numerology Reading Methods

Types Of Numerology Reading
Let’s take a look at the various numerology reading methods which have been used since time immemorial to read numerology numbers. 
  1. Western/ Pythagorean Numerology- The Greek mathematician Pythagoras developed it. In this, personality & characteristics traits of a person are analyzed using the birth date and the name. It’s the most common type of numerology reading method used by the experts in current times.
  2. Tamil Numerology- It revolves around name number, destiny number & psychic number and also called as the Indian Numerology system.
  3. Chaldean Numerology- It takes the help of Astrology to interpret the numbers and is based on the historical Babylonian tradition. In this particular method, both birth date and names are analyzed, and substantial importance is given to the compound numbers.
  4. Chinese Numerology- In Chinese tradition, Astrology is considered to be a very important aspect. In ancient times, the emperor Wu noticed a tortoise with a shell that consisted of 9 squares; he got an exciting idea of a new numerology method. The grid on the shell was given the name of Lo Shu which had a total of 15 numbers as per the different arrangement. This number 15 is the symbol of the days that is the difference between a new Moon and the Full Moon.
  5. Kabbalah Numerology- The basis of this method was Hebrew Mysticism, and it basically analyzes the name’s meaning. It is believed that wisdom is acquired through soul and mind and the basis of this method is the Hebrew Alphabet which had vibrations counting to 22 and 1-400 range.

Now, numerology readings can be complex and so can be numerology calculations. In such a fast-paced life, we all need instant results and that too at our fingertips. So, when it comes to numerology calculations and readings, you can go for one of the amazing mobile apps to get excellent insights about yourself through numbers, which is Tarot Life. You can read numerology numbers and eventually explore the facets of your life on this app in just one click. The important numbers revealed by this wonderful app are as follows:-
  • Personality Number- It depicts positive/negative features of your personality, perspective about life, attitude, and approach towards life. This number shows the most important element of your overall personality.
  • Destiny Number- It shows your goals, purpose in life, and your negative aspects. The other name is expression number, and its calculation is done by using your complete name.
  • Life Path Number- This number gives you information about various opportunities and the roadblocks that you may encounter during your life. This number is calculated by using your date of birth.
  • Maturity Number- Life path number and destiny number are added up to derive your maturity number. When you reach your middle age (Around 35 to 40 Years of age), you are enlightened about yourself. This number gives you insights about you hidden desires/wishes by the time you reach your middle age.
Tarot Life is a must try app as you can understand about your important numbers and get advice about the decisions and actions you should take for a better life. It is indeed a highly recommended app!! 

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How To Read Tarot Cards Yourself To Predict Future?


Are you curious about Tarot cards? Do you want to read tarot cards for yourself? If you want to know detailed insights about the various life aspects like love, career, finance, etc. then tarot can surely be the guide you are looking for! 

Self tarot reading can be very easy! And, all across the globe, future prediction by tarot cards is a very popular method used for divination and guidance. 

Predicting the future is the ultimate goal of any divine science like tarot cards, astrology, numerology, etc. However, it is not easy to make accurate predictions; it requires a great deal of in-depth study, experience and knowledge to gain the expertise in tarot reading. 

If you are a novice in Tarot reading, then this guide of Tarot reading for beginners is a must-read for you. Let’s know a little about tarot cards and discover how you can read tarot cards yourself to predict your future. 

What are Tarot cards?

Tarot cards are one of the most popular methods used by psychic readers to forecast the possible events, outcomes, etc. It is one of the most popular future prediction ways all across the globe which works on energies and intuitions. 

Tarot reading for beginners is an excellent way to get started and learn the fine nuances of this divine science.

Tarot cards refer to a deck of 78 cards, and each of the cards represents some sort of a story, an image or a symbol. These cards are further segregated into Major Arcana & Minor Arcana cards.

  1. Major Arcana Cards represent the lessons pertaining to spirituality & Karma. There are a total of 22 Major Arcana cards. 
  2. Minor Arcana cards represent various challenges, events, situations, and learnings through the lifetime. The Minor Arcana cards are segregated into four different suits that comprise of 14 cards each, namely
  • Swords
  • Pentacles
  • Cups
  • Wands
You can read tarot cards for yourself, but you need to do regular practice. Your first step should be to read tarot cards meanings and learn each of their symbol and meaning. Tarot cards can inspire you to give your best, and this motivation works wonders! Self-tarot reading is an excellent way to get insights about your life

How To Read Tarot Cards

Beginners Guide To Tarot Card Reading
Tarot cards prediction is all about intuition, and it is an art that is a combination of practice, emotions, and skills. Can you read tarot for yourself? Absolutely yes! Let’s know how! 

  • The primary step in a tarot cards prediction is to choose a suitable tarot deck. You should try out different decks and then select that one that you find appropriate and can establish a connection with. However, you can use a Tarot App as well, which is very easy to use.
  • The next step is to learn to read tarot card meanings. It is a cumbersome process as there are a total of 78 cards, and each of the cards depicts a different meaning, and symbol. You should be very patient and be ready to put in a good effort to understand the nuances of these cards.
  • Next step is to select some common tarot spreads. It is nothing but a tarot card combinations, and the meaning of the card differs in the spreads. Most of the tarot card spread consists of 3 cards that represent past, present, and future. 
  • Now read tarot cards. During the process, you should be focused and keep the options open. You should be very clear about the question that you are going to ask. Shuffle and rearrange the cards many times before starting the reading process.
That’s it! You can read tarot cards for yourself, and this can be done by referring to a reliable source. One such source is the Tarot Life App!  

Tarot Life

It is a very exhaustive and user-friendly app with salient features and many accurate future prediction ways. You can get a solution to your queries & problems easily. Also, you can read tarot cards and also learn how to interpret the tarot cards. 

The best part of this App? You can download it for free!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How a Tarot Card Reading Can Change Your Life?


Tarot card reading is a unique method. It is amusing how a pack of 78 pieces of cardboard can not only help you foretell your future but also tell you about the past and the present.

Predictions are not new to this world, and there have been various methods in the past to tell you about your experience and where you were headed to.

Tarot, though slightly different than any such science, came into existence almost a thousand year ago with noteworthy and accurate predictions.

How Can Tarot Card Reading Change Your Life?

If you want to change something for you, it requires something in return. In the case of Tarot, it needs a firm belief in its science and orientation. Before you could dive into knowing about yourself, you must lay down your trust into how it works for you. Every medicine is a Placebo until you believe that it would work for you.
If you seek to improve your life with Tarot, you should know how it works, what are the factors and what do they mean. A tarot reading can be done for solving daily life problems as well as major issues.
With Tarot, your life’s lessons are well encoded in symbols and described by the patterns found in the 22 Major Arcana cards.
Also, Tarot incorporates almost every possible situation that you could face in a lifetime. This includes everyday issues and Minor Arcana, which has 56 cards describe the same.
Tarot card reading has become more popular recently due to its versatility and acceptance among different communities. Also, the science of foretelling is being largely appreciated. If everything said about Tarot is being this clear, you could expect your life changing with Tarot in a few of these many ways:
     Circle of Protection: ​Your 78 cards are all that you need to perform the magic of co-creating your destiny. You can also create your circle of protection with the help of four Aces of the pack in the cardinal directions. You can also use the cards for imagining any result that you wish to manifest. Also, you can clear any unconscious blocks that could be a hurdle between you and your desired dreams.
     Spiritual Growth: Tarot is a science but it lacks the backing from science as an institution. However, science doesn’t consist only of the colorful chemicals and big machinery. It is a diverse term that means a proven way of something. Tarot helps you know currently where you are in life's journey. It helps you navigate into the correct spiritual lessons that you need to learn. You grow spiritually through meditating and pathworking.
     Know Yourself: Psychology includes a term - the Shadow, that stands for an unconscious appearance of the self which the conscious ego does not recognize in itself. This means the shadow is the unknown side of your own. However, your unconscious mind has this aspect shoved into it. The Tarot works as a mirror to the soul and this way, you get to know yourself.
     Healing Through Wisdom: There’s no ambiguity that Tarot cards have been in use for vibrational healings. This is one of the ways you can promote your health through wisdom and understanding the basic science of element charging.
     Reassurance on Your Move: Now that Tarot has a surprising accuracy when it comes to predictions, you get reassured on your moves. When you take out the cards and ask different questions and answers with accurate outcomes, you get reassured to what is going to work for you. Once you are confident in your move, you put your energy in achieving what you desire for and your move brings the desired results for you.

How is Tarot Science Different?

Although, as long as Science, as an independent institution, steadfastly denies to research any transcendental or specifically Tarot phenomenon, there can’t be any proven theories to advance its existence. However, you can understand Tarot as a series of coordinate systems for drafting the emotional phases of cognizance.

A Unique Way Of Self  Development
​Tarot wants you to understand one thing: You can’t foretell the future to an exact status, no one can. Tarot helps you navigate to a standard path for which the foundation is established on what you tell, nearly accurate as all the said events would be triggered with the unexplainable participation of your unconscious mind.
The world is pacing up and so is the concept of tarot card reading. This science has now been available on another scientific invention we call smartphones.

Introduction of a tarot reading app for daily life on this digital gadget is revolutionary. Almost everyone, irrespective of being rich or poor, has something or the other to consult.

Hence, if you are in trouble to turn your life with tarot reading, or want to explore the alleys of your life, then get one tarot reading app right now. However, saying just this won’t do the work. Out of those uncountable apps, the one that you can follow is Tarot Life.  
This app is available for both iOS and Android platforms and you can download it for Free. But before you download this one, it is recommended you have a brief overview of the same. Let us check it out. 

Tarot Life to Change Your Life

​Experienced and loved by many querents worldwide, this app has been pronounced as one of the best tarot reading apps for daily life you can trust upon. This app is highly intuitive.

This app implements Tarot and Numerology as its prime prediction methods. If you are feeling low, or facing any difficulty, or are uncertain regarding anything, you can, anytime share your concern with this divine tarot reading app.

You can get detailed information on your issue but for that, you must be accurately asking your question to the tarot cards. This app is a perfect fit to discuss life issues which cannot be disclosed to others, not even friends and family.
This app is highly beneficial if you are willing to learn tarot or if you would want to satisfy your curious brain. It is because the detailed meanings of each of the Major Arcana cards have been described in the app which you can learn on the go.
With Numerology, you get insights about crucial events about your life in a whole. These events can be major turning points for you as an individual on a divine and materialistic level.
Taking everything into account, it is clear that Tarot is a sheer science of prediction that is encoded into pictures and signs. One of the major reasons for its popularity is the fact that the predictions set by Tarot do not scare you.
Upon carefully studying, it is clear that Tarot is not an ordinary future-telling scam but a proven dignified science that navigates your path for better. With Tarot Life, you not only get better directions in life but also develop from within.
So what is it you are waiting for? Go download Tarot Life from App Store and Google Play Store now!